Women! Do they make any sense at all? That's a big fat NO!!! I work in the office with 4 other women, and no one is ever satisfied! If one of us do better than the other there is always that one that gets mad.
Take today, we got some scores back and the two women that think thier (excuss my french) shit dont stink got the lowest score's. Now they are complaining that, that must be wrong. When in all reality we should all sit back and be proud of ourselves for the over all scores, I think we all did really good. We did good as a team and deserve a pat on all our backs! The two girls that sit right next to me have became really good friends of mind, and I consider them my friends even outside of work. Laura is younger she is in Nursing school, and is working her butt off trying to get through
work and school. I find myself trying to help her while at work with phones or other duties when she is trying to study for big upcoming test, I want her to succeed with her nursing carrer, sometimes I look at her life and I think wait a minute that is the life I was suppose to have, I think of her as my little sister and I want her to have the world hanging by a string. I tell her all the time she should become and Dr she has the brains and the drive to do it, Or she should just be a lawyer beacuse she is so strong minded and boy can she argue but that is what makes her who she is. Cristina is one of the strongest women I know she has been through so much in her life, but she always has a smile on her face and a good attitude. Whatever is thrown her way she handles it and comes out on top. She is a cancer survivor and she goes on with her life as if she never went through all her hardships, If I had to pick someone to want to be like it would be Cristina, she is a stronge woman, If she has a want or a desire she goes for it, and makes sure she gets whatever it is she needs or wants. Both of these girls are awsome and I truely love them both.I consider them both my little sisters.
As for the other two woman, I'm not sure if they like to be miserable, or if their lifes are as bad
as the seem to make them. They are both from the same small town that I was born and raised in, and people there seem to think differently than others. I don't know if this is the reason they are so hard to deal with. One of the girls is closer to my age, and we have kids that goto school together. I try sooo hard to be friends with her, I wait for her every morning before going into the office, but there is those times where for some reason she feels she is the boss and we all must do as she says, which ok if she was my boss I would but she is not so it makes it really hard to take her serious, I have gotten to the point I agree with her just to make her happy but in the long run it is driving me nuts. If I try to bring this up to her, I am always wrong and she is right so I let it go, and it never gets resolved. The other woman is older, she is in her late 5o's and is completely stuck in her ways. She complains about everything! She is always on the phone taking care of her personal life. She was confronted at one point by us but denied everything. Her main thing was she is going to blow us out of the water with her scores but in all reality the two girls that have been here the less amount time blew the two that have been here the longest out of the water
I guess this is one of those life lessons of what goes around comes around. I just wish that those two would try to ease back, calm down and take the day as it comes. This is not a competetion, we are all just here to get a pay check. I guess this is why people say they goto to work to work not make friends. I am just glad that even there is all this bullshit going on in this office, I made two wonderful friends and I know we will be life long friends.
~Love ya, Laura and Cristina~
That is the sweetest thing! Thanks for those kind words; it means a lot coming from you! I see you as a big sista too! luv you lots and never put your head down always look up high...
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you! I love you too :) I see you as a sister too :)